Personal branding regarding fashion hypes

Fashion and personality🎁

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Do you feel the need for fashion? Does your mind constantly think of your attire for any occasion? Have you freaked your brain, thinking about how you going to spruce-up? Do that insecurity blooms your mind?

Now the answer to every this question is the link that your mind develops with your personality trait. Why do we think a lot before dressing? It’s only about what you feel people will get you through your attire. A person with humble and simple embellish, reflects his/ her simplicity in life. How casually he/she lives one’s life. On contrary, a person with ravishing garnished outfit will automatically give signs of richness and lifestyle. Moreover, those with a sense and style of dressing inspire those who wish to look like them. Fashion not only regards your clothes or make-up but it also entangles your appearance, customs, traditions, culture, moral values and characteristics. Even the way you keep your things sorted and fashioned at your place, home reflects how soft your personality is.

3 things that make connection between fashion and personality🎀


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 Viewers brain relentlessly works on judging person ideals by simply looking at his outfit. And that is quite obvious. As a matter of fact, while going for an interview or a job, why do we prefer to dress in formals? It is because it portrays our principles, the thought that creeps into our mind about the interviewer who would address us. And there is where our mind plays a role in connecting our fashion with our personality. Again I mention, it is just about a mind-set of a person how he/she perceives things.


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                                                          We always dress-up for a purpose, right? Then how is it that dressing for a purpose threads to personality? Think like would a person will ever get worried if he were to not dress-up for a purpose? Will he ever give a second thought of how people will think about him, if he does not have a purpose of dressing-up? Do we ever feel abrupt at home regarding our attire? No, because there is no purpose of being fashionable at home when no-one is around.  We are completely free from our mind and that is the time where one seldom relates personality. Similarly, our brain focuses more on areas where we tend more tension , on a specific task or a purpose.


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Every type of clothing we wear adds a different emotion to it. Our style of walking and talking changes drastically. We feel more relaxed and restful. We talk or behave more modestly, sweetly and calmly when we enjoy in our outfit. The level of comfort-ability  basically describes our mood and personality at that event of time.






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